Openshift Commands Cheat Sheet
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Openshift commands cheat sheet. Logging in oc login -u -p --server. This cheat sheet explains how to. Debezium on OpenShift Cheat Sheet Debezium is a distributed open-source platform for change data capture.
Understand how administrator tasks can impact developers. Oc Cheat Sheet oc is the primary command line for OpenShift. How do I remove a container.
To create secret that combines gitconfig file and CA certificate. Oc status oc logs pod oc get pods --all-namespaces oc describe pod oc get services --sort-bymetadataname oc delete all -l apptomcat oc delete pod --grace-period0 oc export bcdcissvc --as-templatemyappyaml. To create SSH-based authentication secret with gitconfig file.
Commands to manage an applications lifecycle including resource management cluster management operational commands and more. Oc annotate routetest-route haproxyrouteropenshiftioip_whitelist-. Builds create a new image from source code other images Dockerfiles etc.
Deprecated Openshift v20 has now reached End of Life and will be replaced by v30. Login User Management Authenticate to an Openshift Cluster oc login End the current session oc logout. Select commands to manage an applications lifecycle including resource management cluster management and operational commands.
I primarily use Openshift for Node and Ghost apps but I can never remember all the necessary commands needed to manage the server. Key commands openshift version o c get allnodesevents -n default -o wide o c adm diagnostics INVESTIGATE APPLICATIONSPODS Key commands o c logs oc exec -c oc rsh oc rsync. Openshift build secrets for cloning git repos using SSH Keys.